Perinatal Care
During pregnancy, there are so many changes that occur in our bodies, from posture changes, mother's center of gravity changes, hormonal and physical changes. In addition, ligament laxity that is necessary to the birthing process can create instability in the spinal joints and pelvis. This can also create irritation, discomfort and inflammation around those areas- specially around nerves.
Alignment of your pelvis during pregnancy is one of the most important aspects of ensuring that labor and birth will be successful.
Benefits : Chiropractic care has proven to be effective for headaches, acid reflux, sinus troubles, spinal pain, neck and leg pain. It can also help with the alignment of the pelvis to help ensure baby is positioned properly for birth. This can increase the likelihood of a deliver with minimal interventions. Chiropractic care supports postpartum recovery for both mom and baby, enhancing breastfeeding, proper latching, helping with colic, digestive problems, ear infections and supporting the nervous system and motor development of the infant.
Pediatric Care
We have seen so many amazing things happened in our office not only with our adults patients, but also with our pediatric patients. We believe that every child should get check, the reason why is because the birth process can be traumatic for mom and baby. Even under normal circumstances, the intrauterine pressure during labor placed on the infant combined with the narrow birth canal can create misalignments in the spinal column and compromise the nervous system function. C-sections can also be responsible for external pressure placed on the neck and head of the infant and create misalignments of the spine.
Most of the neurological development occurs within the first year of life, therefore we encourage getting your baby checked as soon as possible.
If your child is involved in sports, or spend time looking down at phone screens with poor posture, their bodies will struggle to keep up with accumulated stress. Adjustments to their spines will be beneficial to maintain spinal health and to promote optimal development.
Benefits : Chiropractic care has proven to be effective for breastfeeding, ear infections, colic, digestive issues and reflux. It has help many babies with the proper development of milestones.