Mercier Therapy

Besides been a Doctor in Chiropractic since 2004, and having received an additional Certification from the ICPA for Pediatric and Prenatal Health- Dr. Diaz-Vega trained directly with the creator of Mercier therapy and who has had over 2,000 births successes along with so many other testimonies of improvement after C-sections, birth traumas, pelvic discomfort etc. According to a 2013 study, Mercier therapy had an 83% of success rate. (Spring ed. Midwifery Today). In a most recent study, 2018, women that underwent Mercier Therapy prior to IVF stimulation had over 87% of success rate. It is important to notice that stand alone IVF success rate is about 29%.
We are excited to share this work with the world as the only provider certified in the Northwestern NY region.
Mercier Therapy is a deep pelvic organ visceral manipulative technique in which the reproductive organs are mobilized and blood flow restored. Organ restrictions are relieved and movement replenished amongst the organs and surrounding structures to enhance their natural and most optimal function. Mercier therapy is created to optimize health and wellbeing within the female pelvis by addressing scar tissue and decreased mobility of the reproductive structures.